Content-Author: Ingolf Seidel You have to be logged in to view the profile
This Guide provides policy-makers with solutions to introduce education about the Holocaust, and possibly broader education about genocide and mass atrocities, into education systems and curricula. It is the rst of its kind, focusing on matters that are relevant to policy, rather than on teaching practices alone. The publication addresses a wide range of essential questions, including: Why teach about the Holocaust? What learning outcomes can be expected from such educational endeavours? How do they relate to global education priorities? How to introduce the subject in the curriculum, train teachers, promote the most relevant pedagogies, and work with the non-formal sector of education?
Based on UNESCO’s Global Citizenship Education work, the Guide draws on years of research and experience in the elds of Holocaust and genocide education. Numerous academics, educators and other experts o ered insights and suggestions throughout the process. Multiple Holocaust and genocide related organizations – including the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum – contributed to the content. This creation bene ted from the time and expertise of many. I would like to express deep appreciation to all those who made this ground-breaking publication possible.
This Guide raises challenging questions for education stakeholders. It also provides concrete solutions regarding how educators can deal with deeply troubling histories, to build a better future for all.