Content-Author: Ingolf Seidel You have to be logged in to view the profile
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) offers ideas and resources how to teach with audio-podcasts. As a teaching resources the series "Voices on Antisemitism" is used to initiate discussions about several contemporary themes like the existence of contemporary antisemitism or the ongoing relevance of the Holocaust to law, faith and the arts.
The website "Teaching with Audio Podacasts" also offers educational modules. They ar divided into six sections:
The modules inlclude a rationale, explaining the importance of the theme, a history section, questions for discussing or writing, acitivities for students and resources for further information.
For example: Podcast with Faiza Abdul-Wahab, daughter of Khaled Abdul-Wahab, a Tunisian rescuer of Jews during the Holocaust.
The Podcast are all in English, but for some a transcript is presented in Spanish or Arabic.
Link to "Teaching with Audio Podacasts"