"Jewish Traces" is a Website about Jewish Refugees from Austria in Belgium and France.
The website http://www.jewishtraces.org clarifies the fate of three generations of Austrian Jewish families, from the period preceding the so called Anschluss in 1938, to 1945.
It is also intended to share with researchers sources about the refugees in France and Belgium. The databases already provides more than 10 000 entries of foreign Jewish refugees in France and in Belgium.
Ordinary exile provides a deeper outlook on exile, request for asylum and on the status of the Jewish refugees from the third Reich territory in France and in Belgium. An ordinary exile opens a contemporary reflection about the minorities’ status, the fate reserved to refugees and asylum’s seekers, through the lights of the World War 2 and Shoah period. To begin, an ordinary exile proposes to analyze the journey of a twenty-one people family group.