
Doc. 10: Handbook on European Data Protection Law

Chapter 4 .1. 2: Lawful processing of sensitive data
Worum geht es: 

The handbook on European data protection law was jointly prepared by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the Council of Europe together with the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights in 2014. The aim of this handbook is to raise awareness and improve knowledge of data protection rules in European Union and Council of Europe member-states by serving as the main point of reference to which readers can turn. It is designed for non-specialist legal professionals, judges, national data protection authorities and other persons working in the field of data protection.

Doc. 10: Guidebook on democratic policing

III.2 Human Rights
Worum geht es: 

The Senior Police Adviser of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), in concert with OSCE participating states and partner organizations, has made pre-existing norms, standards and good principles accessible to practitioners concerned with policing and the administration of justice. It has thus developed the Guidebook on Democratic Policing which is intended to serve as a reference work for good policing practice and internationally-adopted standards. The Guidebook articulates the objectives of democratic police services and forces; the importance of their commitment to the rule of law, policing ethics, and human rights standards.

Doc. 6: "NS-Gypsy-policy" in post-war Germany

After the end of the war, according to a summary by Daniel Strauß, president of the State Association of German Sinti and Roma in Baden-Wuerttemberg, "the continuity of staff and the str

Worum geht es: 

Roma and Sinti weren’t acknowledged by the post-war state. On the contrary, the staff and the structural basis of Nazi policy towards gypsies were still functioning.

  • Daniel Strauß: "da muß man wahrhaft alle Humanität ausschalten..." Zur Nachkriegsgeschichte der Sinti und Roma in Deutschland. In: Baustein. "Zwischen Romantisierung und Rassismus". Sinti und Roma 600 Jahre in Deutschland. Als Bausteine ausgearbeitet, ed. LpB Baden-Württemberg, 1998, p. 26 et seq.
  • Harald Huber, Kommentar zu §1 BEG, in: Ingeborg Becker/Harald Huber/Otto Küster, Bundesentschädigungsgesetz. Bundesergänzungsgesetz zur Entschädigung für Opfer der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung (BEG) vom 18. September 1953. Kommentar, Berlin/Frankfurt am Main 1955, pp. 48–50.
  • Judgement of the 4th Civil Senate of the Federal Court of Justice of 7 January 1956, quoted in: Tilman Zülch (Ed.), In Auschwitz vergast, bis heute verfolgt. Zur Situation der Roma (Zigeuner) in Deutschland und Europa, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1979, p. 169.

Doc. 9: Police stops and minorities today

Worum geht es: 

This report focuses on respondents’ experiences of police stop-and-searches, including levels of trust in the police. It was published in 2010 by the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) and It is the fourth in a series of EU-MIDIS ‘Data in Focus’ reports. EU-MIDIS stands for the ‘European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey’. It is the first EU-wide survey to ask immigrant and ethnic minority groups about their experiences of discrimination and criminal victimisation in everyday life.

Doc. 5: Traditional prejudices combined with racist ideology in the Nazi era

As early as 1931, an SS department in Munich had begun to record the "Jews and Gypsies", the two so-called "non-European foreign races".

Worum geht es: 

With the legal measures taken by the Nazi regime, Nazi racist ideology was added to the established stereotypical view and criminalization of the Roma and Sinti minority.

  • "Gesetz zum Schutze des deutschen Blutes und der deutschen Ehre" und "Reichsbürgergesetz" [The “Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour” and the “Reich Citizenship Law”] of 15.9.1935. In: Reichsgesetzblatt 1935, I, p. 1146 et seq.
  • Josef Müller: Das Kind Muscha, Berlin 2002.
  • Runderlaß des Reichsministers des Innern vom 3.1.1936 über die „Durchführung des Blutschutzgesetzes", nach Kurt Pätzold (ed.): Verfolgung, Vertreibung, Vernichtung. Dokumente des faschistischen Antisemitismus. Leipzig 1983, p. 121 et seq.
  • Runderlaß des Reichsführers SS und Chefs der Deutschen Polizei im Reichsministerium des Inneren vom 8.12.1938 über die "Bekämpfung der Zigeunerplage". In: Ministerialblatt des Reichs- und Preußischen Ministers des Inneren, Jg. 99, Nr. 51, pp. 2105–2110.
  • Michail Krausnick, Der Völkermord, der unterschlagen wurde – oder: Der Bericht des Hermann W. Ein chronologischer Abriß, in: "Zwischen Romantisierung und Rassismus". Sinti und Roma 600 Jahre in Deutschland, als Bausteine ausgearbeitet, hrsg von der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 1998, p. 18.

Doc. 4: Criminalization of Roma and Sinti before 1933

"Zigeunerbuch" der bayrischen Polizei, 1905

Worum geht es: 

Police photos of Roma play a significant role in their legal marginalization. The recordings that were made ​​during raids, arrests and prosecutions are still used uncritically as visual sources.

  • Law in the Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt für den Freistaat Bayern 1926, No. 17, 22 July 1926, p. 361.
  • Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt für den Freistaat Bayern 1926, No. 17, 22th July 1926, pp. 359–361.
  • Karl Stojka: Transcript of a newspaper interview of 1999, quoted from Erlebte Geschichte: Nationalsozialismus. Zeitzeugeninterviews und Unterrichtsvorschläge, digital CD-ROM for PC, Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag 2005.

Chapter 8: The ban of the trade unions

With the Reichstag Fire Decree and the following persecution, many activists of the workers movement were arrested or force

Chapter 7: The enforced conformity of the civil service and the ban on the trade unions

One of the Nazis' goals was to make made sure that all members of the civil service would execute their policy-measures without hesitation.

Chapter 6: The Enabling Act (Ermächtigungsgesetz)

On 24 March 1933 the Parliament passed the Enabling Act under pressure from Hitler’s Storm Troopers.arliamentary system: from now on the government could make laws without agreement of the pa

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