
Doc. 1: Prologue

After the "Anschluss" of Austria in March 1938 her Jewish population was persecuted and deprived of their basic rights by the authorities of the Nazi state.

Worum geht es: 

 Quotes from interviews with two Holocaust survivors who witnessed the so-called "Anschluss".

Case study 7: The Evian Conference in 1938

The aim of the material provided here is to inform about the international conference of Evian in 1938, in view of discussing the current refugee issue and its challenges for governments. The historical experience of the Evian conference sheds a light on the difficulties in finding an adequate and humane response to the refugees’ situation Europe finds itself confronted with.

Worum geht es: 


  • Jewish refugees on the eve of World War II

  • Scope of action on intergovernmental level

  • Economic, political, and humanitarian arguments pro and contra



  1. Analyze the Evian Conference in 1938, and assess the positions of the various representatives.

  2. Your superior instructs you to prepare a paper on the Evian Conference, considering whether there are really references to contemporary situations.


  1. a paper for a round table discussion with colleagues or

  2. a press release for the radio (with the original tones of the conference)

  3. Underline those aspects with your own expertise and arguments, which could provide food for thought for today's situations.

Human dignity in past and presence

This module aims at reflections leading to a positive definition of human dignity on a personal level as well as an understanding of the term that is universally applicable, and the role of dealing with the past for mastering the future.

Worum geht es: 

This module consists of

  • An excercise with photos
  • Quotes by stakeholders of fundemental rights and Holocaust
  • A timeline showing the development of human rights in Europe
  • An interview on aspects of the Holocaust as an administrated genocide and the role of the Wannsee Conference


Doc 11: Increasing accountability for human rights violations

Following the massive human rights violations committed under Nazi dictatorship, the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) was signed in Rome on 15 November 1950.

Worum geht es: 

Nowadays, violations such as those presented would have been clear violations of article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) which grants the right to fair trial.

Chapter 5: The relevance of the Wannsee Conference

9. What happened in Wannsee?

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Worum geht es: 

The Wannsee Conference assembled 15 high-ranking representatives from the SS and police and from various ministries in order to discuss the "final solution of the Jewish Question".

Chapter 3: Deportation from Lörrach, 1940

Worum geht es: 

Trying to be the first to have their region cleared of all the Jews living there, two District Nazi Party Leaders (Gauleiter) decided to order the Jews of their territory to be deported to France in October 1940 – a full year before the systematic mass deportations of Jews from Germany started.

  • Stadtarchiv [City Archives] Lörrach.

Chapter 6: Timeline human rights development

Timeline Human Rights Development


Worum geht es: 

A short timeline on human rights development helps to understand, that fundamental rights are not simply the answer to what we should learn from the past; they are a component of history in itself, when the latter is conceived as an ongoing process shaped by individuals and groups engaged in the protection of human rights.

Doc. 7: Human rights violation in testimonies of Roma and Sinti

 Reinhard FlorianIt took more than 30 years of stru

Worum geht es: 

Listen to the voices of some Roma and Sinti, who tried to obtain compensation in post-war Germany.

  • Reinhard Florian: "Ich wollte nach Hause, nach Ostpreußen!" Das Überleben eines deutschen Sinto. Jana Mechelhoff-Herezi and Uwe Neumärker [eds]. Berlin 2012, p. 89.
  • "Polizeilich zwangsentführt". Das Leben der Sintezza Lily van Angeren-Franz, von ihr selbst erzählt, aufgezeichnet von Henny Clemens und Dick Berts. Hans-Dieter Schmidt [ed.]. Hildesheim 2004 (Original Dutch edition, Amsterdam 1997), p. 130 et seq.
  • Otto Rosenberg, Das Brennglas, Frankfurt am Main 1998, p. 119 et seq.
  • Ceija Stojka, Wir leben im Verborgenen. Erinnerungen einer Rom-Zigeunerin, Vienna: Picus Verlag 1988, pp. 137–139.
  • Ceija Stojka: Reisende auf dieser Welt. Aus dem Leben einer Rom-Zigeunerin, ed. Karin Berger, Vienna: Picus Verlag 1992, p. 72 et seq.
  • Photos:
  • Reinhard Florian: see the publication cited above
  • Lily van Angeren-Franz:
  • Otto Rosenberg: Video still, © Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma in Heidelberg
  • Ceija Stojka: At a book launch in the Camineum at the Austrian National Library in Vienna, 2008, photo by Manfred Werner, WikiCommons.

Doc. 3: The role of police officer Leo Karsten

Sinti Camp Berlin-Marzahn“Zigeunerlager” Berlin-Marzahn, the fir

Worum geht es: 

The history of the actions of authorities and politicians towards Roma and Sinti in the post-war era has still not been adequately researched, but in many cases it is known that the people who planned, organised and carried out the genocide against the Roma und Sinti were able to continue their careers undisturbed after the war. One example is the police officer Leo Karsten.


Katrin Seybold: „Wir brauchen nicht aufzuschreiben, wer die Mörder an uns Sinte waren, wir wissen es“. In Memoriam Melanie Spitta (2.6. 1946 – 27.8. 2005). In: Dachauer Hefte, 21. Jg. (2005), p. 197-216, quotes p. 198 and 213f.

Daniel Strauß, „da muß man wahrhaft alle Humanität ausschalten ...". Zur Nachkriegsgeschichte der Sinti und Roma in Deutschland, in: "Zwischen Romantisierung und Rassismus". Sinti und Roma 600 Jahre in Deutschland, als Bausteine ausgearbeitet, hrsg von der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 1998, p. 30.

Doc. 2: The application for compensation of Anna Eckstein in 1951

Anna Eckstein’s case is an example of the way the authorities worked from day to day:
Worum geht es: 

Romani Rose, President of the German Central Council of Sinti and Roma, documents an example of a victim of persecution’s attempts to gain compensation in 1951.



Romani Rose: Bürgerrechte für Sinti und Roma . Das Buch zum Rassismus in Deutschland.  Heidelberg: Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma, 1987, p. 47 et seq.

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