
Chapter 1: Riots in Berlin, 1935


Worum geht es: 

From 1933 on there was rapid rise in anti-Jewish street violence which, by the summer of 1935, had reached a pogrom-like level. In Berlin, ice cream parlours run by Jews were at the centre of the race riots …

  • Stadtarchiv [City Archives] Nürnberg.

Picturing persecution – photos of the persecution of Jews in Germany (1933–1940)

Analysing just three photo(-series), Christoph Kreutzmüller shows how anti-Jewish practice in Germany radicalised and how the ex- and inclusionary processes accompanying them worked in Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1940.

Worum geht es: 

Historical photos will be presented by Christoph Kreutzmüller in three videoclips to show the radicalisation process of anti-Jewish practice in Germany between 1933 and 1940.

  • Christoph Kreutzmüller / Julia Werner: Fixiert. Fotografische Quellen zur Verfolgung und Ermordung der Juden in Europa. Eine pädagogische Handreichung, Berlin 2012.

Chapter 1: Hitler in “Mein Kampf“ on “human rights“

Paving the way to the Holocaust through fundamental rights violations

In this presentation Wolf Kaiser will explore the role of fundamental rights violations in the process of the establishment of Nazi dictatorship in Germany. 

Worum geht es: 

This presentation explores the role of fundamental rights violations in the process of the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany.

Chapter 1: Reflections on human dignity

Worum geht es: 

This is an exercise which aims at reflections leading to a positive definition of human dignity. Looking at violations of human dignity may help to find an understanding of the term that is universally applicable.



1.) Please take a look at the images and comments and find a common heading to the pictures. What is in your opinion their common topic? Instead of finding a headline you could consider terms that fit to your photos.

2.) Life in human dignity includes various aspects, so how would you define it on a personal level for yourself?


  • Constanze Jaiser & Jacob David Pampuch: Ein Schmuggelfund aus dem KZ – Erinnerung, Kunst und Menschenwürde. Projektmappe für einen fächerübergreifenden Unterricht, Berlin: Metropol Verlag 2012.

Photo Credits:

  • Transport of slaves, Notices of Brazil, Walsh, 1831. 
  • Habitat for Humanity/Steffan Hacker. 
  • Flood desaster in Pakistan 2010, Hasnain Kazim, Spiegel Online 19 August 2010.Ahmet Kaya, video still, you tube. 
  • "Make friends, not walls", Dirk Pohl. 
  • Theresia Degener, photo: Zbigniew Pluszynski.  
  • Philip Fleischer, installation in the exhibit at Galerie Tanja Wagner, 2011. 
  • Arne Scharnbeck, 1988. 
  • Angelina Jolie listening to a Bosnian woman, 2010, © UNHCR/Aziz. 
  • Cotton pickers at work, photo: H. P. Cook, Richmond, New York Public Library.  
  • "Cage for humans": Hans-Jürgen Burkard.  
  • "Cybermobbing", Allrecht, 
  • George Soros 2014, 
  • Bessie Smith, Frank Driggs Archive.

Chapter 4: The Holocaust – an administrated genocide

Aspects of the Holocaust as an administrated genocide and the role of the Wannsee Conference.

Interview with Dr. Hans-Christian Jasch, director of the House of the Wannsee Conference

Worum geht es: 

In this interview aspects of the Holocaust as an administrated genocide and the role of the Wannsee Conference will be explained.

Introduction: The Holocaust and Fundamental Rights

This E-learning module has been designed to reflect on the Holocaust and Human rights today.

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