Glossary beginning with O

Odilo Globocniksearch for term

1904-1945. Born in Trieste, building tradesman by profession, joined the National Socialist Party (NSDAP) in Carinthia in 1922, appointed deputy Gauleiter [leader of a regional or local branch of the Nazi party] of Carinthia in 1933, Gauleiter of Vienna from May 1938 to January 1939, from November 1939 SS and police leader in the Lublin district, from the middle of 1942 head of the NSDAP in the Lublin district, responsible for the extermination of the Jews in the Generalgouvernement (so-called Operation Reinhardt), the plan to set up a German settlement area in the Lublin district was developed and implemented by him. Promoted to the post of higher SS and police leader in July 1943. Suicide after his arrest by the Britons.

Operation 14f13search for term

Extended Operation T 4 to the selection and murder of approximately 20,000 concentration camp prisoners deemed mentally ill or incapable of work. This extension of Operation T4 occurred between April 1941 and April 1943. The killings took place in T4 hospitals and sanatoriums. (See "Euthanasia")

Synonyms: Sonderbehandlung 14f13
Operation Barbarossasearch for term

Code name of the preparations for the attack on the Soviet Union on 22 July 1941, starting in 1940 and confirmed by Hitler's decree no. 21 of 18 September 1940. The attack on the Soviet Union, hitherto allied to the Third Reich, opened a new phase of the Second World War as it broadened the anti-fascist coalition. The Red Army suffered immense losses in the beginning, making it possible for the German troops to occupy vast areas of the Ukraine, Byelorussia and the Baltic Republics and to advance within reach of Moscow in a relatively short period of time.

Operation Reinhardsearch for term

Code name for the operation to kill Jews in the three special killing centers, Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka, in the General Government between March 1942 and October 1943. The name was coined in memory of Reinhard Heydrich, one of the central planners of the "final solution," who had been fatally wounded by Czech partisans in May 1942.

Synonyms: Aktion Reinhard
Operation T4search for term

The code name for Tiergartenstraße 4, the Berlin headquarters of the "euthanasia" killing program. (See "Euthanasia")

Synonyms: Euthanasia
Oskar Rosenfeldsearch for term

1884-1944. Born in Korycany, Moravia, Rosenfeld attended the University of Vienna and worked with Theodor Herzl. After the incorporation of Austria in 1938, Rosenfeld moved to Prague, where he worked as correspondent for the London "Jewish Chronicle." In October 1941, Rosenfeld was deported from Prague to the Lodz ghetto, where he joined the staff of the ghetto archives and wrote parts of the Lodz Ghetto "Chronicle." He was deported from Lodz to Auschwitz in August 1944.