This course from Thomas Laquer offers a broad survey of the philosophical, legal and historical origins of human rights in the eighteenth century—natural rights theory, new constitutions, and
Today, many states have recognized the importance of teaching about the Holocaust and using it as a mechanism for preventing racism, ethnic conflict, and genocide.
The Fortunoff Archive offers several thematic programs. On the archives website some testimony excerpts from these programs are available, for example about Yugoslav voices from the Holocaust.
Speech of Prof Dr Benjamin Ferencz (Chief Prosecutor in the Nuremberg Einsatzgruppen Trial) in the Audimax of Humboldt-University, Berlin, May 28, 2010 in cooperation with the Foundation "Reme
New feature on Yad Vashem website: "Insight and Perspectives from Holocaust Researchers and Historians", offers short insightful lectures on topice of broad interest to public.
Has Austria learnt its lesson from history? What about Austria’s part of responsibility for the Holocaust? Developments on the local level indicate the country’s temper very well.
In 1939 the national socialist authorities createt a so-called gipsy camp in Salzburg. About 230 Sinti and Romanies werde imprisoned there. Men, women and children were forced into hard labour.
Holocaust survivor, Nobel Peace Prize winner and author Elie Wiesel reflected on his experiences in the concentration camps at Auschwitz and Buchenwald in a recent interview with radio producer Lar
A Network Europe Special on 9 November 2009, live from the heart of Berlin and marking 20 years since the start of the fall of the Wall. In this edition: